Applied Failure Analysis

Applied Failure Analysis Training Classes

We regularly offer training on the subject of failure analysis. Applied Failure Analysis (AFA) teaches a logical, fact-based, method of analyzing product failures to determine the root cause of the problem. This reduces repetitive failures, minimizes repair costs, and increases product availability.

The Applied Failure Analysis curriculum consists of two classes:

Level I

AFA Level I focuses on the basic principles of metallurgy, wear and fractures, and on managing the failure analysis process itself to arrive at the most probable root cause of failure. After instruction in these basics, students then learn to apply the fundamentals to the major engine components:  Bearings, Crankshafts, Valves, Pistons, Rings, Liners, Connecting Rods, and Threaded Fasteners. Engine parts are generally lower in hardness than drivetrain components so their facts (“road signs”) are easier to see (“read”). The course consists of classroom instruction and laboratory exercises, and concludes with case studies of failures that have occurred in the field.

Level II

AFA Level II begins with a review of basic principles covered in AFA I. Then students apply those principles to gears, anti-friction bearings, hydraulic pumps & motors, lubrication, welds, and shafts. Communicating a failure analysis is more strongly emphasized by including a section on taking good digital pictures. The class is wrapped up with case studies from the field.